I can't believe our design team. They have really pulled together this month and rocked out a bunch of great projects. I have the bestest design team around. They are truly a great bunch of ladies. I appreciate each and everyone of them. Their such an asset!
We have two of our special ladies leaving us this month. Thank you Jodi and Raquel for making our company shine with your designs! We wish you the best of luck in all your future endeavors. And a special hats off to Raquel. She recently graduated from College! That is a milestone! Great job!
And with those 2 spots open, we had to find other designers to fill their shoes. So on Sunday, August 1st, we will announce our new DT members. Take my word for it, these new ladies are gonna rawk your sawks off! Stay tuned.
So on to the blog hop at hand. I bet you were wondering why there isn't a card or project on my blog. That's because the universe is playing mean tricks on me. Why? Well let me vent a little shall I? Ok it all started when I lost my passport. UGHH! I've been looking for it for over a month. I am going out of the country in August and CAN'T find it anywhere. I'm soo upset about it. I normally have a great memory. But...well...yeah, can't find it anywhere. And on top of it, it's with my birth certificate, marriage license and other important papers. Yikes. Well I had to make an emergency appointment to get a new passport. I leave on the 8th and my appt is on the 3rd. Talk about cutting it close lol. I was able to get my other documents replaced already. I'm just upset about paying for another passport. :(
If that is not bad enough, NOW I can't find my battery charger for my camera. And that means I can't take pictures, which means I couldn't photograph my project I worked on a week ago. My replacement is due here any day now, but *SIGh*.
Well after that vent (thanks for listening), I decided why not tilt the universe in a generous way and give away a free DIGI! :) Yay!
Meet Larissa. Isn't she adorable?

You want her? Here's what you have to do:
1. Blog hop with all the ladies and post a comment here letting me know which designer had your favorite project AND your email address. (make sure you use a space or something so you don't get spam email)
2. Go to the InStyle Stamps Blog and vote for that person!
3. Leave a comment showing some love on the dt member's blog that you voted for.
By doing all 3 steps, you will receive this little cutie on Sunday after our announcements are done and you will a chance to win 4 more digi's of your choice. You will all be winners because you will get this cuite even if you don't win the other 4. :) You have until 8am PST on August 1st to leave your comment here.
This image is not for sale and won't be for sale on our blog. She is exclusively a freebie. A few month's ago we showed 2 of her friends and gave them away:

We will be offering them to those that join our Paper Craft Planet group and our Facebook Fan Page soon. Not only may those be given away, but we have a few more too. So make sure you don't miss them.
Design team members, you guys can participate too. Follow the steps and I will send her to you too.
Thanks for stopping by. Don't forget to go and vote HERE!